If you are selling your property and you make false representations on the TA6 Property Information Form, you could be liable for prosecution. Currently our organisation is working on the reduction in value of a property based on deceit and fraud of someone not correctly filling in their TA6 form. You need to be as truthful as you can with these forms, but often people’s recollection of events is not always what you would expect it to be.

So the general advice would be, if you are not sure whether something has been done, for example property alterations, Japanese knotweed, coal mining, then tick ‘Don’t know’. Then the responsibility falls back on the purchaser to check this out before they acquire the property, thus relieving you of any future liability. You need to be aware that giving false information can make you liable and it can make your liability uncapped. It is for this reason that many people are now asking the surveyors for further advice when we carry out the survey on their onward purchase.
Are there cracks in your house? Are they getting worse? Are they keeping you awake at night? Is it structural movement? Is it settlement? Is it a problem with the drains? Is something going wrong with your investment? – at Charters-Reid Surveyors Ltd we offer a bespoke defect report service inspecting movement in buildings, providing sensible yet practical advice, and often it is not as expensive as you think. If you are worried about cracking in your house, why not give us a call. It does not matter if you own the house or if it is one that you are buying – we are here to help.
If you need any more information please do not hesitate to contact us or check out our website www.chartersreid.co.uk